At 18 months, however, M. is not very up for that kind of thing. The other day, though, we did go on a simplified nature walk. I labeled two bags as "sticks" and "rocks" (the two things she interacts with the most when we go on our walks around the ranch. 
I was pleased that she seemed to understand the concept and after a little explaining and demonstrating, was taking initiative to put the correct objects into each bag. At first she seemed to be having fun with it, but with many sorting activities we've done together so far, it got old after about 7 minutes. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted, and we enjoyed the rest of our walk anyway.
what a great idea.:) Your little girl is just too cute!
Absolutely love it! My dd your daughter's age is our third, and though she has the distinct benefit of watching and interacting with her older siblings, sometimes she misses out on special things like this. Great idea. (BTW, saw you The Crafty Crow) Blessings.
I'm popping in via crafty crow too! Love this idea! Great way to get the younger ones involved. I have a 33 month old and an 18 month old and we go on nature walks all the time. My 33 month old loves to take a basket with her, but this idea is great for my little one! Thanks!
I have a 2 1/2 year old and I love this idea! Thanks for sharing it with us!
That is so cute. My daughter loves to pick up rocks on our walks. She has a rock collection going.
What a great idea! I cannot wait to try it with my kids. They will love it! Thank you!
Really great idea, thanks for sharing!
Thanks for this. I rarely see workable ideas for activities for children under two. This sounds ideal and I'll check out the rest of your site.
That is an awesome idea. Do you have any recommendations for nature books - I am looking to start/build a collection? Thanks.
Such a great idea - thanks for sharing!
Now if only the snow would melt here so we can find the sticks and rocks... lol
I don't have any particular recommendations for guide books. I would say though that I find the Audubon guides to be a little TOO extensive, and the pictures are not very interesting for browsing. I actually think some of the older, illustrated (as opposed to photographed) guides are more enjoyable.
For me, though, I like to buy up as many guides as I can cheaply at garage sales! The more the merrier!
I don't have any particular recommendations for guide books. I would say though that I find the Audubon guides to be a little TOO extensive, and the pictures are not very interesting for browsing. I actually think some of the older, illustrated (as opposed to photographed) guides are more enjoyable.
For me, though, I like to buy up as many guides as I can cheaply at garage sales! The more the merrier!
What a great idea! I cannot wait to try it with my kids. They will love it! Thank you!
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