Like any self-respecting toddler, M is drawn like a magnet to all puddles- to all water in general, for that matter. And I, like most mothers who have things to do and generally find it inconvenient to clean up mud-spattered children at odd times of the day, am forever steering her away from those much longed-for puddles.
Today, I decided to let her have her "water touch!" as she likes to say. While she was napping I set out three bowls and filled them with water ahead of time so that it would have time to be warmed by the sun. In each bowl I made a different "soup."
The first was Animal SoupThen Nature Soup with rocks and leaves

and finally Lego Soup!

These were good for a full 45 minutes of entertainment (which is saying a lot for a 19 month old!) The soup ladle was especially a hit as it allowed her to transfer water wherever she wanted- including her mama's lap!
Great idea! I can't wait for it to get warm enough here in Massachusetts for my kids to play with water OUTSIDE!
Cute, cute, cute!!! I'm stealing this one. It has the added benefit of learning the concepts of sink and float - great idea!
Very cute! My kids also love water. They can spend hours in the tub or helping me wash dishes (the younger ones anyway). That is a very fun idea.
Very cute! My kids also love water. They can spend hours in the tub or helping me wash dishes (the younger ones anyway). That is a very fun idea.
Cute, cute, cute!!! I'm stealing this one. It has the added benefit of learning the concepts of sink and float - great idea!
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