Overnight, M and G have turned into suburban farm girls. They are the proud new owners of two baby chicks. We're hoping to add three more by the end of the week; so eventually, we'll have a good little flock of egg layers.
This is Jane (of
Jane Eyre and
Dick and Jane association) -a docile little dear who likes to snuggle down and fall asleep in M's hands.

And Wendy (of
Peter Pan ) it seems, is the more curious and jumpy of the two.

This is our family's first chicken venture (actually first animal venture of any kind). When I was growing up my family had one chicken that we kept as a pet (even painted her toenails red and had her wear a pearl necklace- poor thing!) but I'm really excited about the prospect of keeping chickens for the eggs (as well as treating them like beloved pets of course!)

We will be fixing up the shed in the backyard to be a coop for our brood, but for now the little chicks stay indoors in a box under a heat lamp.
We live in a very suburban neighborhood within the city limits, but one thing I love about Austin are the liberal city ordinances concerning livestock. Chickens are no problem! So far, they're pretty inexpensive little creatures. I've spent under $30, and most of that was on the heat lamp.

I'll keep you updated as to how our little adventure turns out...Does anybody have any good chicken advice they'd like to relate?
How fun! I'm really curious to hear how this works out for you!
How fun! I'm really curious to hear how this works out for you!
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