Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Toddler Shoe Games

These ideas are modified from I can teach my child!

Game 1

1.  Throw a big pile of shoes in the middle of the floor (not too hard for us because our shoes all mostly live in a  heap just inside our door anyway)
2.  Make sure they all  have matches.  (If you have a young toddler you might want to limit the number of pairs to 3 or 4)
3.  Take one of the shoes in your hand, show it to your toddler and ask "Can you find the other one?"
4.  When she/he finds each match, help her to line them up together as pairs on the floor.

Game 2
1.  Find one empty laundry basket for each member of your family.  Line them up against the wall, and label each with the name of a family member.
2.  With the shoes still all lined up in pairs, point to one of the baskets and say "This is [Mommy's] basket.  Can you find some of mommy's shoes?"
3.  When the child locates them say, "Now can you put mommy's shoes into mommy's basket?"
4.  Continue until all shoes have a home.


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of Mary Poppins..haha! "...and, snap! The job's a game!" I love it!


Sue said...

Perfect for G's age.

Maria@yourbrainmedia said...

Wow this is such a neat idea. I would love to do this game with my twins.

Veit said...

Lovely ideas.

Andrew said...

Your twins are so adorable!

Andrew said...

Your twins are so adorable!

Veit said...

Lovely ideas.