Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What to do with Loads and Loads of Bananas

The other day at the grocery store when I encountered a 10 pound bag of organic bananas on clearance for 99 cents I felt that I had struck gold.  There was no question of not buying it; for me, that much food for under a dollar is an automatic purchase.  It wouldn't have mattered if they were pickled beets (which I hate).

But, back home with my counter overflowing with slightly over ripe bananas, I did begin to have a few doubts.  What does one DO with that many bananas?  I stuck about 8 bananas in the freezer to be used for banana bread at a later time but was still left with several bunches. 

Thankfully, I remembered a recipe I had read a while back on moneysavingmom for peanut butter banana smoothies.  I had never tried the recipe before but went ahead and peeled the bananas, sliced them into 1 inch pieces, and froze them on pieces of wax paper in my freezer.  Once they were frozen I took them off the paper and condensed the pieces into a large freezer bag.  (The banana pieces do not turn brown when frozen
this way)

 I modified the smoothie recipe a little bit to fit our on-hand ingredients and to make it slightly more healthful.  We LOVED it.  It tastes very much like a banana ice cream, and it is so filling I've made it for a light lunch a couple of times. 

Here is the recipe as we make it:

 Banana Peanut Butter Smoothies
1 1/2 cups sliced frozen bananas
3/4 cup plain yogurt
1/2 cup milk
2 Tablespoons peanut butter
1/8 cup wheat germ

Blend in the blender until smooth.
 Any other ideas for the next time I strike gold in the banana department at HEB?


Unknown said...

Broiled bananas for desert. Slice down the middle and sprinkle with brown sugar. Broil for 2-3 minutes until a slight crust forms. Take the bananas out of the over and add a little cinnamon. Enjoy!

Unknown said...

Oops, I meant to say dessert!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm...that looks so yummy! We made banana bread yesterday and loved it. I suppose there's always banana splits, but it's more of a dessert!


Sippy Cup Central said...

You can peel them and put them in freezer bags to make bread with for later. Karen

Marie said...

Must try the smoothie.

Marie said...

Must try the smoothie.