Problem: Our 14 month-old is generally pretty obedient, and when we tell her something is off limits, she almost always follows the rule. A little bit ago, however, we encountered a problem in trying to keep her from opening two of the kitchen cupboard doors (safety latches don't work very well on our particular doors). No matter how many times I scolded her, she opened them again and again.
Finally I figured out that she wasn't trying to be bad in opening them, but the rest of the cupboard doors (that weren't off limits) looked just the same, and it wasn't easy for her to distinguish the ones that she wasn't supposed to open.
Solution: I created "no" tags with a picture and the words "This is a "no" to go on the off- limit cupboards. It worked! She just
This post is part of the Works for Me Wedneday meme at
These are fantastic. I'm past that stage, but I'll keep it mind for friends with younger kids.
What a clever idea! I'm really impressed.
mom to 9
Love it! Thanks for sharing this "non-verbal NO"...if I get tired of saying it, I know the kids get tired of hearing it!
Great idea, and thanks for stopping by my blog! I'll be checking back to find more great ideas on your blog! We LOVE to have fun around here!
Donna @
Brilliant! Your "no" is pretty convincing. Can I have one of those for my fridge door? :)
What a cute idea! Love that stern, finger-pointing picture too...
What a great tip!
LOL! the guitar is awesome! I will need to try this!
What an awesome idea. I definitely got a chuckle out of your creativity.
Cute Cute Cute!
AWESOME! I've got a VERY independent 3 year old and one that is starting to crawl...this is PERFECT...ok not just perfect, but pure GENIUS!!! Thank you!
How cute are you! That is such a good idea. Very creative!!
What a great tip!
How cute are you! That is such a good idea. Very creative!!
LOL! the guitar is awesome! I will need to try this!
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