Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thanksgiving Place Mat Craft

M likes using this placemat everytime she eats these days.  As a plus, it helps remind her where everything goes when she sets the table!

 Materials Needed:
11 x 17 piece of construction paper
2 or more sheets of Autumn or Thanksgiving Scrapbook paper
Laminating paper or contact paper

1.  Trace around a plate, glass, knife, fork, and spoon with a pencil on pieces of scrapbook paper.
2.  Cut out each piece.
3.  Have your preschooler cover the backs with a gluestick.
4.  Show the child where to put glue each piece (maybe taking the opportunity to talk about where items belong at a place setting)
5.  Laminate or cover with contact paper.  (Make sure the lamination extends a couple of centimeters beyond the construction paper because you don't want to risk the construction paper getting wet)


Sue said...

Super idea! I see now that you will never run dry.

MiddleEarthMusician said...

As always great idea!

Having Fun at Home said...

Thanks! It was not actually my idea. It came from a mother's day out program that M is a part of now. They have great ideas, and I'm excited to get to acquire some of them! :-)