1. Took full length pictures of everyone in our family. I re-sized the photos to what seemed to be about the right length for toilet paper tubes and printed them off, leaving plenty of blank space on both sides of the photos. I wrapped the photos around the tube and affixed them with a glue stick. I trimmed the tubes where necessary.
Altogether, it took me less than 45 minutes to put it together. I wasn't terribly precise and I could have spent more time making it pretty, but really all I wanted was a fun new toy for my daughter to play with during her blanket playtime.
She loves pictures of people she knows- I think I might try to get some full-length photos of relatives over the holidays and add to the set!
Thanks for the tip. It seems like a fun inexpensive thing to do. :)
I love it..my girls would have so so much fun!
I have my Tuesday tip up too...I love the recycle theme..maybe I'll do that next week too!
This is brilliant! I love it!
Happy Tuesday!
Love it! I can't wait to do it with my daughter. Great blog carnival idea, I'll definitely stop by next tuesday!
That is cool! Thank you! I'm thinking elaborating for my much older children.
They could "have breakfast" with friends pictures on rolls or even Darth Vader!
Very cute idea. I love it when people reuse stuff that would otherwise be thrown away.
I LOVE this!! I love it. I am going to do this for my nieces.
Come by my place today as I'm having a Birthday Week giveaway & WFMW post combined.
Have a fabulous day!
Oh my gosh! My daughter would love these!! Great idea!
Great Ideal it is so cute.
Good Idea, I can see little ones really liking this,...they love looking at photos.
I LOVE this!! I love it. I am going to do this for my nieces.
Come by my place today as I'm having a Birthday Week giveaway & WFMW post combined.
Have a fabulous day!
what a great idea!
Great Ideal it is so cute.
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